8 Tips for Managing Homesickness While Living Abroad

Heimweh is a great word in German that describes a feeling many expats experience. In English, it translates into homesickness.

I have lived with my husband in two other cities before arriving in Munich and he was always homesick for the last place we lived. After six years in Munich he still yearns for that ocean breeze, those extra hours of daylight, our vibrant social life…

Is it normal to feel homesick?

Yes, it is normal. Homesickness is a constant theme among our expat friends, so I know we all feel it in various degrees. The problem is when that constant state of yearning dulls your senses and keeps you from seeing what’s right in front of you. It prevents you from experiencing all the great things your new home has to offer and living a happy and fulfilling life.

Why do we feel homesick?

I think there are several reasons we continue to feel homesick. The `lack of normal´ is one of the biggest reasons, in my opinion. The sudden change in routine throws us off. Mix in culture shock, not knowing how to express yourself in another language, dealing with extreme changes in the weather, etc. That can be a lot to deal with.

8 Tips for Managing Homesickness While Living Abroad

Here are some tips that I hope can help you:

  1. Finding a routine is crucial to you and your family. Having a schedule keeps you busy and focused on something new.

  2. Start as a tourist. Make a list of all the things you want to see and do in your new city and actually do them.

  3. Volunteer and help others in need.

  4. Learn the local language. It will help you meet new locals and integrate much faster.

  5. Stay connected to your friends, family and prior life. It´s easier now, more than ever with social apps, streaming series, movies & music you’ve always enjoyed.

  6. Discover the local culture – it´s OK to stay connected to your former life, just make sure there is room for the new “You” to grow.

  7. Find your tribe – for “You“ to grow, your social circle has to grow.… learn from others. It´s also very important to build a support network that will be there to pick you up when you are down.

  8. Last, but not least – keeping an open mind! This will not only help you adjust to your new life, but make settling-in a more pleasant experience. And who knows? Prepare you for a new adventure, which you will yearn for, if and when you move on to your next destination.


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